II. ACCORD Freedom Trail Site - 111 Lincoln StreetHome of Rev. Thomas A. Wright, key figure of the Movement- Lincolnville
It was home to two generations of the Moran family. Horace Moran was the chef at the Monson Hotel on the bayfront for half a century, and in the 1920s he was president of the company that put out The Home Circle Weekly, one of the pioneer black publications in St. Augustine. Moran was active in St. Mary’s Baptist Church, and from the mid-1920s on, this served as the church parsonage. A notable resident was Rev. Thomas A. Wright, who was not only pastor of the church from 1954 until 1962, but also president of the St. Augustine NAACP and a key figure in the civil rights movement. His wife Affie taught at nearby Excelsior School. Threats against the family led the Wrights to move to Gainesville, where he pastored Mt. Carmel Baptist Church from 1962 until 2006. He served for many years as president of the Alachua County NAACP. His daughter, LaVon Wright Bracy, became the first black graduate of Gainesville High School in 1965. Rev. Wright is the author of seven books, including Courage in Persona (1993), one of St. Augustine’s most important twentieth century autobiographies.